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Rapid Response with Corptek Threat Respond

Corptek Threat Respond is a SIEM – Security Information and Event Management software – that provides real-time analysis and security alerts that could be triggered by the applications and network hardware of your business. Specifically tailored towards small and medium-sized organizations, Corptek Threat Respond is designed to comply with a wide array of regulatory and compliance standards to protect your network from cyber attack.

Our low setup costs and ease of use make us a great solution whether you have an existing SIEM solution or not. Once you’re up and running, you’ll be under the protection of our 24/7 advanced IT security team who will monitor and respond to any threats or suspicious behavior quickly and effectively.

Does My Business Need a SIEM Like Corptek Threat Respond?

While some businesses don’t have a need for round the clock technology security, any business that stores personal client data, credit card information, health information, product development information, or other critical data, must begin considering 24/7 technology security.

Our monitoring system tracks events and generates reports for compliance purposes, keeping you and your organization safe. We take the stress and worry of wondering if you’re secure away and let you focus on what matters – running your business.

Key Benefits of Managed SIEM Solutions for Businesses

Managed SIEM solutions provide businesses with a comprehensive and proactive approach to cybersecurity, offering numerous benefits over traditional security measures:

  • 24/7 Threat Monitoring and Detection: Managed SIEM solutions continuously monitor your network and systems for signs of suspicious activity, enabling rapid detection and response to security threats. This round-the-clock vigilance ensures that your business is protected even outside of regular business hours.
  • Expertise and Experience: Managed SIEM providers employ a team of cybersecurity experts who possess in-depth knowledge of the latest threat landscape and security best practices. This expertise allows them to analyze and interpret security data effectively, identifying potential threats that might go unnoticed by in-house IT teams.
  • Reduced Operational Overhead: Managing a SIEM solution in-house requires significant resources and expertise. Outsourcing this function to a managed SIEM provider frees up your IT team to focus on other critical tasks while ensuring that your security is handled by professionals.
  • Improved Compliance: Managed SIEM solutions can help businesses meet regulatory compliance requirements by providing detailed logs, reports, and alerts. This simplifies the audit process and demonstrates your organization’s commitment to data security.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Managed SIEM solutions offer a cost-effective alternative to building and maintaining an in-house security team. By leveraging the expertise and infrastructure of a managed SIEM provider, you can achieve a higher level of security without incurring significant upfront costs.

The Corptek Threat Respond Advantage

Corptek Threat Respond is a leading managed SIEM solution specifically designed for small and medium-sized businesses. Our solution offers several key advantages:

  • Ease of Use: Our intuitive dashboard provides a user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing security alerts, making it easy for even non-technical users to understand and respond to potential threats.
  • Scalability: Corptek Threat Respond is designed to scale with your business, ensuring that your security measures can adapt to your changing needs.
  • Comprehensive Security Coverage: Our solution offers a wide range of security features, including log collection, analytics, threat intelligence, vulnerability scanning, and compliance reporting.
  • Dedicated Support: Our team of security experts is available 24/7 to provide support and guidance, ensuring that your business is always protected.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Our managed SIEM solution offers a cost-effective way for small and medium-sized businesses to achieve enterprise-level security without breaking the bank.

What is Included in Corptek’s SIEM Offering?

  • Log Collection – Logs and events are kept with data about critical network security and network border device information.
  • Analytics – An easy to use dashboard quickly and clearly displays key operational and security indicators.
  • Threat Intelligence – Worldwide real-time threat signatures and intelligence are gathered to quickly identify any indicators of the potential compromise of your systems.
  • Monthly Reports – A brief and easy to follow monthly report discusses any potential vulnerabilities and updates on your assets.
  • Server and Service Availability – Monitor the uptime and reporting of your services and servers for availability in real time.
  • File Integrity – Track user access and activity to detect any potential security exposures coming from rootkits, rogue processes, and the modification of critical configuration files.
  • Network Intrusion Detection – Any threats targeting your vulnerable systems are tracked and caught with our signature-based anomaly detection and analysis. This identifies any new malware infections, system compromise attempts, policy violations, and more.
  • Vulnerability Scans & Assessments – Regularly scheduled scans track any new vulnerabilities related to policies and networked assets. This keeps an eye on anything from new product installation and software configuration errors to unauthorized software installation and insecure devices on your network.
  • Compliance Reports – Your monitoring and reporting requirements are made easy with compliance to the following: PCI-DSS, SOX, GLB, CJIS, HIPAA, NERC CIP, FISMA, and ISO 27001.
  • Data Retention – All relevant tickets, alerts, notes, and logs are available to you at any time. We store this information for up to seven years for use as evidence of your compliance to the most rigid of security standards.