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The #1 Security Threat to Local Small Businesses

The #1 Security Threat to Local Small Businesses

There are many types of risk in business: the risk that a new competitor will come on the market and steal market share, the risk that top staff members will jump ship for a better offer . . . but are you considering the significant risk that is associated with a cyber attack? A recent […]

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EHR Vendor Consolidation and Its Effects on Ambulatory Health Services

EHR Vendor Consolidation and Its Effects on Ambulatory Health Services

An uptick of vendor consolidation in the Ambulatory electronic health records industry has been a cause for concern for many small and medium practices recently. The main cause for concern lies in the preparation and costs associated with integrating their patient health records into new programs that are made necessary with vendor acquisition, especially if […]

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Cutting These Two Corners Could Lead to Business Disaster

Cutting These Two Corners Could Lead to Business Disaster

Cost-cutting measures are not unusual for organizations as they traverse the standard lifecycle of products and services. What you decide to cut during the lean times can have just as much impact as to where investments go when your business is flush with cash. Some organizations start their cuts in advertising and marketing but eventually […]

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Important Warning From The FBI

Important Warning From The FBI

Hackers Now Using HTTPS To Trick Victims Via Phishing Scams Everything you’ve heard about the safety of https sites is now in question. According to a recent FBI public service announcement, hackers are incorporating website certificates (third-party verification that a site is secure) when sending potential victims phishing emails that imitate trustworthy companies or email contacts. […]

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Which Application Rules Supreme: Outlook or GMail

Which Application Rules Supreme: Outlook or GMail

Currently, 30% of email addresses change every year. The majority of these changes are business related. No one wants to deal with the problems that come with changing personal contact information. Quite often, personal emails are attached to personal bills and subscriptions as well. When the big change happens and it is time to make […]

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Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!

June 16th is Father’s Day, a great reason to spend a little quality time with the family doing a few of Dad’s favorite things.   Whatever your plans are, take some time this Sunday to let Dad know how much you appreciate everything he’s done for you over the years, and how glad you are […]

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How to Find the Right IT Services Company

How to Find the Right IT Services Company

If your business has made the decision to contract with an IT services company for IT support, you’ve made the right choice. However, you’re not done yet. You still need to choose the IT services company that’s best for your business. In most markets, you’ll have choices — maybe too many choices. Use these criteria […]

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Was Your Photo and License Plate Number Breached?

Was Your Photo and License Plate Number Breached?

 CBD Reports 100,000 Photo and License Plate Breach The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported today that nearly 100,000 travelers’ photos and license plate data were breached. If you’ve driven in or out of the country within the six-week period where the data was exposed, you could have been victimized. The department said on […]

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3 Reasons to Regularly Test Business Systems

3 Reasons to Regularly Test Business Systems

Protecting your business requires more time, effort and energy from your technology team than ever before. Business systems are increasingly complex, requiring staff members to continually learn and adapt to changing conditions and new threats as they emerge. It’s not unusual for a single ransomware incident to wreak havoc on carefully balanced systems, and this […]

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Size Doesn’t Matter: 7 Ways Small Businesses Should Think Big

Size Doesn’t Matter: 7 Ways Small Businesses Should Think Big

You may be a small business, but there’s no reason you have to think or act small. Today’s technology innovations offer small businesses all sorts of powerful tools that just a decade ago weren’t available or were only affordable to large firms. Technology can help small businesses think like big ones in all sorts of […]

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How to Stop Spam from Ever Hitting Your Inbox

How to Stop Spam from Ever Hitting Your Inbox

Spam emails can be incredibly annoying. Not only that, it can be downright dangerous, considering the phishing schemes and other email scams that are prevalent today. We can’t avoid spam completely and hope to have any kind of digital life, because so many services require an email address as part of the sign-up process. These […]

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