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Essential Questions to Ask Hiring IT Company

Outsourcing your IT services is critical to your business growth. It is essential for the effective management of cybersecurity and data loss prevention. It also helps in compliance issues and reliable internet connectivity. When you hire an IT company, you get access to high-quality expertise cost-effectively.

There are many managed IT service providers on the market. They range from large IT companies, independent IT contractors, and computer consultants.

Unlike in the past, when large IT companies were not keen on serving local communities, the landscape has experienced rapid changes. Some of the changes may be attributed to the incredible amounts of venture capital money that has found its way into the IT industry.

This may complicate the process of selecting an IT company. With so many options, you may feel intimidated, not knowing what to look for or the questions to ask. This is especially difficult if you are not an IT expert yourself.

In this article, we will show you the essential questions to ask when hiring an IT company. With these questions, you will make an informed decision in selecting your IT service provider.

What Are Your Long-Term Services for Your IT Company?

An IT company that stays with you longer may be more helpful than those who quickly disengage or take a one-off project and leave. The one who stays with you will help you develop your IT system and upgrade it to conform to the changing IT landscape.

Your long-term IT consultant will grow with you. Whenever you call them, they will not need onboarding since they are familiar with your IT infrastructure.

They will also diagnose your IT problems faster since they understand what is in place and any gaps in your IT solutions. This may reduce your downtime and increase your productivity.

What is Your Exit Strategy?

Terminating a contract can be an explosive affair. Having a good exit strategy will help you disengage without breaching the contract. Ensure you indicate your terms of engagement in your contract. You may be penalized for ending a contract prematurely.

Give the consultant sufficient notice to help them prepare an exit report. When it is time to disengage, have an exit interview to get a brief on the progress of the project. The exit interview also gives the consultant a platform to share with you any information concerning your project. This information may help you when engaging the next consultant.

In your exit plan, envision all possible scenarios like working with a consultant for the long-term or hiring a consultant and finding out soon after they are not a good fit. Your exit plan should protect you from legal battles or penalties when you terminate your contract with an IT company.

Where are You Being Supported?

This will help you decide if you will hire a full-service IT company or co-manage your IT functions. When you contract a full-service IT company, you entrust all your IT tasks to the company.

In that case, you do not need to hire an in-house IT team. Co-managed IT services involve hiring consultants to take care of some of your IT functions while your in-house team takes care of the rest.

Consider if you will hire a local company or outsource to a company outside your community. A local IT company may be easily accessible and may understand your IT problems like the strength of your local internet signal and the infrastructure available in your area.

On the other hand, a large IT organization may offer advanced solutions. They may have the budget and expertise to invest in high-end solutions and provide them to you cost-effectively.

Are Your Employees Outsourced, Contract, or Full-Time Staff Members?

While working with an IT consultant has significant benefits, it can affect the morale of your employees. The employees may look at the consultant as an intruder, coming to carry out tasks they could not.

This may make them fail to co-operate with the consultant, jeopardizing the success of your project. Full-time employees may gain new skills and use them to ensure continuity after the consultant’s exit.

New skills may make the contracted and outsourced employees leave your firm sooner as they may use them to look for other engagements. Decide if paying the IT consultant to train your employees will add value to your business or create room for them to seek better opportunities.

Do You Outsource Other Services or Support?

Your consultants may not have the same level of cybersecurity training and awareness your employees have. This puts your IT infrastructure at risk of cyberattacks.

You may have installed endpoint solutions that protect your infrastructure by limiting the platforms your employees’ access while at work. However, consultants may need to access your data and systems on their devices away from the office. This creates a loophole that cybercriminals may exploit.

However, if your IT company is aware that you also outsource your other services, they may recommend cybersecurity solutions to keep your data secure even when the consultants access it. Besides, they may help you develop cybersecurity policies to guide you when signing contracts with your other consultants.

With these fundamental questions, you can choose an IT company that matches your long-term strategies and vision. Many IT companies claim to offer high-quality services. Here is what you should do to identify your perfect match:

  • Ask for references
  • Check their reviews on the internet
  • Google their industry reports
  • Ask them for success stories, case studies, or evidence that they deliver what they guarantee

Do you have any questions about the services we offer? Feel free to get in touch with Corptek Solutions. At Corptek Solutions, we specialize in offering reliable computer support, IT Services, and technology solutions to businesses in Dallas and Fort Worth.

You can count on us when you need backup IT specialists or full-time IT support. We have flexible IT service plans and can customize an IT plan aligned to your unique needs and budget. Call us to benefit from our unmatched IT expertise and unrivaled customer services.
