One of the key highlights of Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC21) held on June 7th was the Mail Privacy Protection.

One of the key highlights of Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC21) held on June 7th was the Mail Privacy Protection.
Texas State legislature recently sanctioned House Bill 3746, a statute centered around publishing data breach information on a state-run platform. Governor Greg Abbott penned the bill into law in June 2021.
Have you ever thought of offering your customers free Wi-Fi access, but don't know how to go about it?
For a long time, employees have been referred to as the weakest link to security.
If your company runs Kaseya Virtual System Administrator (VSA), you may be vulnerable to a ransomware attack.
Ransomware is a huge threat to organizations in Dallas and Fort Worth. Can ransomware be stopped? Discover more information here.
The internet has become an integral part of our everyday lives, from shopping to banking. But the convenience comes with a price; cybersecurity! It is no secret that cybersecurity in America has been a hot topic for the past few years.
Every business professional agrees that Outlook is a must-have, everyday tool. However, it can be somewhat confusing and cumbersome to use.
Outsourcing your IT services is critical to your business growth. It is essential for the effective management of cybersecurity and data loss prevention.
Is your company in need of a boost? Then consider trying Microsoft 365. Here are some surprising benefits for Fort Worth businesses.
Cybercrimes get more complex every day. Dallas Fort Worth businesses can counter this by focusing on cybersecurity solutions.
2020 marked a record year for cybercriminals. The global economy lost close to $3 trillion to cybercrime, with a growing number of attacks being directed at individual consumers.